Saturday, November 28, 2009

This is not working

Ok so last nights escapade didnt work out.

I think someone spotted a maling or just me (looked like one) and called the local banjar police.
im not going to go into details but its safe to say that this particular way of doing things doesnt work.

Since it was the first real attempt its kind of a let down...

Other means need to be research before attempting anything else.

A couple of alternatives come to mind:

1- Get a very large gang of people and do it, like that it wont look like we are robbing anything and no one would want to stop us.

2- Get permission to paint on walls.

3- Do it quickly with spray paint and stencils, small format

4- find high locations. places not able to see from the road at night but good in the day.

Will talk to my advisers and get back to it soon.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bali is not Stupid

Hello there!

Following the worldwide success of the film "The Age of Stupid" individual action towards the spread of knowledge on Global Warming has risen. Cells of organized groups have all sprung and often associated themselves with other already existing NGOs.

This is the Bali branch of this worldwide movement. However we are not associated in any way with, greenpeace or any other movement or company that we might mention. We are a group of people that think that its better to have education messages (or tags/graffiti whatever you want to call it) on walls than lone stretch of unified color or ugly brick walls.

Also we are starting to feel a little concern with the level of ignorance in the average Made (or Joe) living amongst us in the world.

Therefore we are actively painting at prominent locations little messages that remind us that If we don't get our asses into gear we just might make it impossible for humans to live on Earth in 40-50 years.

So please DON'T BE STUPID!
and educate yourself in taking appropriate action NOW!

Warmest Regards to all you funny people!